Sunday, March 25, 2012

Crunch The Myths of Ab Exercising

I used to work in a fitness center.  One of the first things I was taught was to never tell the members that they can spot reduce--i.e. crunches alone will not give you washboard abs.  Below are some myths of abdominal training.  I won't go into detail about each one, but if you want to read further check out the article on Family Health Guide

  • Crunches remove fat from your abs:  working out your muscles will not remove the fat on top of them.
  • Twist it off your waist: again, specific motions will not guarantee that you will lose fat from that area.
  • More repetitions, better results: keep it moderate and new--add weight or incline
  • Do ab work every day:  overtraining may work against you, let your muscles rest
First rule of weight loss is to burn more than you take in.  This can be through caloric reduction or exercise.  For best result combine them both and lose the weight slowly and the right way.  The good thing about abdominal exercises is that they are quick and easy routine that you can do at home or in your office.  Don't forget to reverse the exercise every so often to work your back muscles too.  This will help strengthen your overall core and help you reduce back pain.

1 comment:

  1. great advice. go for strong muscles in your core to help with balance and back pain.
