Friday, March 30, 2012

Reduce PMS Naturally

This is an artcile from The Family Health Guide.  Last post came from this site as well.  There are so many great articles on there so it is definitely work the bookmark on your browser.  This one was interesting to me because it looks at healthier ways to manage PMS.   See a few of the suggestions below and follow the link above to see more!

  • Vitamin B6-100mg/day helps with mood and behavior
  • Magnesium-reduces breast tenderness
  • Vitamin E-reduces breast tenderness, headaches, mood swings, and depression
  • GLA (evening primrose oil)- reduces breast tenderness
  • reduce carbohydrates and sugars
  • reduce caffeine
  • increase fruit and vegetables
  • take a supplement
  • exercise regularly

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Crunch The Myths of Ab Exercising

I used to work in a fitness center.  One of the first things I was taught was to never tell the members that they can spot reduce--i.e. crunches alone will not give you washboard abs.  Below are some myths of abdominal training.  I won't go into detail about each one, but if you want to read further check out the article on Family Health Guide

  • Crunches remove fat from your abs:  working out your muscles will not remove the fat on top of them.
  • Twist it off your waist: again, specific motions will not guarantee that you will lose fat from that area.
  • More repetitions, better results: keep it moderate and new--add weight or incline
  • Do ab work every day:  overtraining may work against you, let your muscles rest
First rule of weight loss is to burn more than you take in.  This can be through caloric reduction or exercise.  For best result combine them both and lose the weight slowly and the right way.  The good thing about abdominal exercises is that they are quick and easy routine that you can do at home or in your office.  Don't forget to reverse the exercise every so often to work your back muscles too.  This will help strengthen your overall core and help you reduce back pain.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Disabilities That Work

My job is to work with individuals who have disabilities and help them get back to work.  Additionally, I provide guidance and services to help expedite the outcome of employment.  There are agencies all over the country to do this very same thing.  I am including an article below that addresses how disability should not be a barrier to obtaining a job.  I just really like the message and how it could open up a narrow mind that might think of work only as a means to an end.

Learning_Disability_ServicesWe know that having a job is something that is important to the vast majority of people with learning disabilities. We also know that only a fraction of those who want jobs, have them.
And yet the benefits of working for even a few hours a week are huge – and it’s not just about money, important though that is.

It’s about being included; about being part of a social network; about making friends on an equal basis. It’s about the confidence boost and self esteem that comes from being valued for your abilities and for a job well done. And these benefits are not just for the most able; we’ve seen time and time again the benefits that even a few hours work a week can bring to people with complex learning disabilities who may never have worked before or worse, have been written off.

Thankfully, young people with learning disabilities have vastly increased expectations and aspirations about work – and so they should. We are seeing more and more demand from young people who want to prepare for employment. This could be about learning vocational skills but is also often about more general work readiness skills - in other words, learning about the things that many of us take as a given. How to get to work, what to wear, the routines and cultures and yes, politics, of being part of the work place and part of a team. There’s also the reality of the responsibility of a job. Like, yes, you do have to get up early (even when it’s dark) so that you are at work on time. And yes, you do have to go every day and yes, that includes when it is raining. A tough lesson for all of us!

Of course the elephant in the room is that for many people the jobs just aren’t there. The youth unemployment figures speak for themselves and in the current climate it’s tougher than ever for anyone to get onto the career ladder. But that’s only part of the story. Too many employers won’t see – or need a bit of help to see – beyond someone’s disability. And too many people with learning disabilities don’t have the confidence themselves to challenge this – and lack the support to do it. So the odds are stacked against people from the start.

But with the right support, people with learning disabilities have gone on to not just get, but excel at a range of jobs, adding real value to the organisations they work for.
For the employer, it’s often a question of confidence – and knowing there is someone there to ask for support when they are unsure, or to help the new employee to settle in. For some employers, it’s as simple as being asked to look beyond someone’s disability and to give them a chance.
United Response is proud to be part of Disability Works UK, a consortium set up to provide supported employment to disabled people. But getting a job is not just about the dedicated programmes or specialist employment services, as important and valuable as they are. Equally important is the day to day support that we provide – support that means that everyone we work with has the opportunity to find a job, if that’s what they want. Support that means that many more employers will have the chance to say “why not?”

Having a job is perhaps the most genuine form of inclusion that there is. Isn’t it time that everyone – regardless of their disability – had the opportunity to experience that?

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Feeling Good Feels Good

I just wanted to include a few things that I absolutely can always smile about.

Kermit The Frog is my favorite character.  He makes me laugh and lives life as simply as he can.  Who are we to say we can't learn something from a Muppet.  Have you every seen Kermit the Frog uspset?

I am a major fan of warm comforting liquid that tastes delicious.  I know that coffee isn't for everyone, trust me I get it.  But there is something to be said for allowing yourself to enjoy every sip.  There is always time for a cup of coffee, if not, wake up earlier.

I shop for myself, for others, and also just to look.  1.  It is good exercise.  2.  Allows me to integrate into society and show some kindness by holding a door or giving a simple smile and I change stores.  It makes me feel good.  The presents are half bad either.

Finally.  I am a sorority girl.  I am very involved as a volunteer and through all of the late nights and hours that I have put in, nothing makes me feel better than being around my sisters.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

You Need Oxygen

It is very clear to me, especially during a monthly pedicure or shopping treat, that I must take care of myself if I expect to care for others.  This is the HARDEST idea to convey to  fellow "people pleasers" like myself.  I was reading one of my RSS feeds and discovered a great analogy. I am including an excerpt from the article because I can't say it any better:

"Taking time for ourselves to engage in nourishing activities is so important. I often use the example of an oxygen mask on an airplane. It quickly becomes indicative of the extent of the lack of self-care when I ask clients about the instructions given when oxygen masks drop in case of an emergency. When the pattern of giving to the detriment of themselves is extreme, clients often state that they are to put on the other person’s mask before their own. Clearly, these are not the instructions given, but it is how some of us act in our own lives. In reality, we are told to put our own masks on first to enable us to help others. This becomes a powerful example of how infrequently we put our proverbial masks on by engaging in self-care that enables us to have enough balance in our lives to maintain the emotional resources to help others.

I think this example is effective because it opens the discussion of how failing to engage in self-care can be harmful to us over time. A continued pattern of having too much responsibility, inadequate support, and imbalance in our lives can easily lead to burnout, chronic stress, anxiety, and depression. Chronic stress and anxiety can also lead to increased risk of illness, heart problems, and even death. Helping people recognize the serious nature of this issue is a great first step in gaining balance.", What Have I Done for Me Lately?, February 6th, 2012, By Michelle Lewis, LCSW, Body-Mind Psychotherapy Topic Expert Contributor

You can read the full article Here