Monday, November 15, 2010

What's your "unhappy" place?

An article caught my attention this weekend.  I don't know about you, but my mind wanders a lot.  I am a daydreamer.  I am constantly thinking about the "what if" and the "would've been" and don't forget the "will be".  More often than not, these are positive thoughts that involve my analysis of an event and the solution that will maximize the best result.  Or these are scenes playing in my mind over and over again of people, places, and things that I would like to experience--my happy place.

Here is the kicker...this study says that wandering minds do not necessarily have a positive impact on us.  Essentially, our wandering minds are leading us into negative territory i.e. our "unhappy place".  Most people who were surveyed in this study reported being unhappy after their daydreams.

Pay attention to this study; you'll be happier

I do not want to discount or fully support the study, but I do think it is a great topic of conversation.  How do our thoughts impact our daily lives?  Many many many books have been written about the power of positive thoughts.  But is this really realistic way of life?  We are plagued daily with anxieties, fears, and so many other emotions that leave our glass half empty. 

So I just want to leave you today with these questions to ponder: Do you live in a world of scarcity or abundance?  Do you feel that there is enough for you to attain, or do you feel like you are constantly fighting to win?  What personal values and mantras do you hold onto that impact your daily life in a positive or negative way?

I am inviting you to take a look at the foundation of your life and how it is reflected in your inner and outer self.

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