Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Who Do You Collect?

"I have been collecting addicts all my life...starting with my mother."   

This is an excerpt from an article that did more than grab my attention.  It actually spurred on a whole new thought process.  Do we collect people?

I find that I tend to collect people with less self-esteem or a misguided self-concept.  I would venture to say that is because I am passionate about finding my own Sense of Self so that I can maybe share my story with other women on their own journey.  I am a firm believer in the influence of your social environment.

What do the people in our life reflect about us?  It has long been said that you can not choose your family.  I believe that you can not choose your bloodline, but you can choose your family.  I struggle with my own family relationships on a daily basis, and I know that I am not alone.  Everyone has a different dysfunction they characterize to their own family.  The holidays even highlight many of the idiosyncrasies.

You may find that you collect different types of people to compliment or challenge parts of you.  At the end of the day, what is the point if we don't understand why we need them?  Do we need them?

"That’s one of the biggest lessons I learned about those of us who choose addicts: We Don’t Notice. We’re just not that aware or self-actualized. I think back on some situations and wonder how in the world could I think that was normal?"

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