Wednesday, December 29, 2010


I really want everyone to consider this perspective on eating disorders.  How do you define an eating disorder?  In an earlier post I linked you to another blog that spoke about the images women are expected to live up to in order to maintain their career in modeling.

I find a striking similarity in the television/cinema world as well.  How many times do we hear about this or that celebrity who eats "clean", "organic", or "raw".  The term "orthorexic" describes an obsession with healthy eating.  The behaviors actually become disordered, and therefore compulsive behaviors and control begin to take over.  Check out this website to read more about orthorexia and to read about all the other topics it has to offer.  The site is more or less an eating disorder 101 site.  Helpful perspectives and links.



  1. I have heard about this and can see how someone could get sucked into a sort of food paranoia. We get so many conflicting reports on what is healthy and what is not - it's confusing!

  2. I think eating healthy food is obviously ideal, but I can't stress myself out over it to the point that it defeats the purpose. Moderation!
